on 2/9/09

1-Knowledge is Power:

At the first i would like to speak about this site &what it will discuss the aim of this site to be more powerful when you are weak &the most powerful when you are powered ,you ll find also the answer of all your questions about life so we ll try to cover all this points:
  • Aim of life
  • Your Goal in Life
  • How can you achieve it with a certain steps
  • Your personal problems&how to get over it
  • Information you need to enter the war of life&achieve a victory against it's troubles
Keep on moving you can do it

2-Aim of life:

Exactly as you ,i hear everyday many who wonder about the reason of their exictance &why are they on earth so (i can't bear anymore,it 's terrible life,i don't have the desire of living)those statments you hear may them many times but the problem, is to say them even for one time.you know why as you ll spoil days of your life by saying that
first what is the aim of life:
Of course God who create the universe very wisely will not create you without aim(just keep this in your mind)
So that means that every one must have an aim but not all of us can reach that aim ,you know why because they don't search it
e.g. when you need information about thing you keep on searching in many sources till you find it,even if you are depressed you are kept unconsciously trying to find a way to make you relax

HOW can i know my aim of being created???!!
Simply you can stop for minutes:relax& analyise
e.g. Sam wants to know the aim of his life first he choose a right time to think he is realxed&have a piece of paper &a pen to write down.&he wrote(i am 16 years old,i just in my preparatory stage of education,i wish to be a scientist &to be rich ,respectable by all also i ll help poor people)

relaxation stage :right time&no one disturb you
analysis stage :i am ....years old will make you know are you responsible from your parents or you are responsible about someone

in education/in business: will make you know more about life &be realistic &not in dream about your goal

i wish to be scientist:here he define his goal so his is a creative one so he ll try to reach it .God create us to build on the earth &to make it a good place so you have to do thing about that

help others:this point or sociable point is loved also by God as he love to see us hands to hands together

So what happen here is that you have to but your aim according to points
  • what is my dream
  • how i can make my dream makes my creator love me
  • knowing that this life ll be ended soon so you have to achieve thing you love&your creator love to see you in
So By power of knowledge knowing the aim of life makes you create more as you have a goal you have to reach&you know that you are created wisely to shine like a sun everyday .

3-Your goal in life:

What's your goal of life?what are the things you add in life?or you don't add!!!! what did you achieve last year ,yesterday or even today? if you don't so you absolutely in need to read this........

John &Sam are friends &this was their story:when it was school time they wake up at 6 am to go to school but Sam go as he wants to be educated to achieve his of being scientist but John wake up as he do like others without goal of being educated this happened for 20 years (the time of education from KG till graduation from faculty)after that Sam at the same day of graduation searched for a job as an assistant in a lab but John stays at home relaxing&taking money from his parents.after 5 years they met Coincidentally &they talked about what happened in the last 5 years Sam achieved part of his dream &become a scientist but he still need have more to achieve in his lab but John still as he is .John go back home felt that he spend 25 of his years without doing thing&instead of beginning he get down as he thought it was late to begin now.so he spend other 2 years trying to planning without action&the years &time are running from him he work in small job then quit every time he feel that he ll not be able to reach Sam &of course you can know how is the state of both now

Are you John Or Sam???????!!!!!!

you may want to be Sam but without action &without having a plan for your life immediately &have action toward it you ll become John So finally i want to say if you even be John till you are 60 years old you can start to be Sam just saw this video&you ll understand

4-How can you acheive your goals with certain steps:

After you plan for your goal well &know your destination you have to prepare a plan to achieve your goals this PLAN is what makes you achieve whatever you want So, how to prepare this plan this is according the type of goal so i ll give you some examples that ll help you in planning e.g.1:your Goal is to have an international hospital (you are a doctor in this stage) so your plan
  • study well &be updated to all the new in medication
  • learn at least 2 new languages as you want international hospital so equipments&so on will be imported from other countries
  • learn how to manage business by attending courses in that or read on that on the net
  • begin to scan the places in your country that need hospitals as you ll be in need at first a fame in your country
  • begin to have your website as it ll publish all new about your hospital
  • be sociable this ll help you a lot
  • be in fit &make everyday exercises as your dream needs high level of serotonin hormone(that gives you happiness)&the exercises increase your serotonin level
  • the other points will be created by you according to evaluating your state
e.g.2:your goal is to have an account in bank .......this is not right goal as you have to state what is the reason for it you want the money .so if your goal to live in luxury your plan will be
  • begin to save your money &invest it correctly to increase it
  • know computer language&begin E-business that ll increase your income even if you are sleep
  • know more than language this ll help you to know more people who ll help you later
  • define the luxury mean according to your dream is it having Volvo car ,nice villa, palace or what.&fulfill every point if you want nice villa begin to draw it on a paper hang it in your room on your mobile everywhere to be motivated toward your goal
Share us with your goal &plan we ll wait yours to add it

Important thing to know that you have to be motivated to not lose your way or give up so that what i ll discuss in the next post

Choosing a goal&sticking to it changes everything
-Scott Reed


Your goal takes a long time to be achieved?
You feel that you are down while you are in the middle of the way to your dream?
You Stopped because you fail in the first point of your plan!!!!!!

It's not because you are looser,or you are haven't good luck......It's because your motivation level is down or you lack motivation towards your goal.IS that real that lack of motivation can cause all of that?yes,motivation like the fuel of the car that keep it moving&not stop in the middle of the way,but this fuel always wants to be filled to keep you moving toward your goal without stop

For motivation you have to
  • stop watching negative films,or listening to negative music or negative talks ,always try to have the right media which will be like a fuel station to your motivation may your goal takes a long time to be achieved so you have to keep your motivation level always high .watch positive motivated videos or films for success people read about them&the most powerful thing that keeps your motivation high is to create your own media that's make a movie for your plan publish it on you tube or where ever keep on seeing it everyday....for e.g. this is one of my motivational videos what are yours?

  • score the achievements that you reached weekly to compare the success &to be motivated to achieve more

  • write a poem or a song or quote &say it while you doing your daily exercises instead of 1,2,3,.
  • this is the last but the most important is always to ask God your creator to help you on what you are doing

6-Your Problems&bad mood spoil your life?:

You sometimes that you are in trouble &you have no way to solve it?or sometimes you just wake up &find that your mood is bad and you can't stand the life ......so you feel that all things annoy you even it one tells you Good morning if you feel that so you are in need to read this article &know the secrets in solving problems

How you think about a problem is more important than the problem itself - so always think positive-
Norman Vincent Peale

this is the secret to solve any problem hot heads that have a lot of tasks will never solve any trouble learn firstly to be relaxed &know thing that you have to use the opportunity in the trouble you may not see this chance but it's there.financial problems can be fixed but you don't see the chance in it you see always the black side what about to look on the other shiny side that you can work additional work so you ll have more money &finally you find that this new work suitable you more......so the crisis that you see at the beginning is a chance for you..think that there is a chance in every trouble so search for the chance &the solution will come

"I must do something" always solves more problems than "Something must be done".

this is the second secret the problem needs an action not waiting for a miracle,if you recognised your problem e.g. not find a job,,,,don't wait one who knock at your door&say please work with me ,Go take courses ,be more qualified because this is only the way that will make you cross your problem.any problem is an alert to
you to do an action that finally will make you better

"Never try to solve all the problems at once — make them line up for you one-by-one. Richard Sloma

third secret is analysis of your problems write them down in separated points &see what is the action for each one this is effective method to solve your problems
Life is just a puzzle &the game over word don't come yet so arrange the puzzle to a a good shape

ll be available soon: the success story
of prophet Mohamed

7-You can't forgive???!!

If you want to forgive,you have to forget &to forget you have to forgive .May be complicated equation so i ll say to you another effective way of forgiveness through this simple story

A teacher in a primary school asked the children to play a game with her which is :every children have to bring a bag &potatoes ,on each potato they have to write on it the name of the person they hate &can't forgive after that she asked them to put the potatoes in the bag .some of them carry 3,4 more or less according to the persons they hate ,after that she told them that they have to carry the bag everywhere they go for a week .the children did that but of course the smelled the bad odour came from the bag .

After a week the game is over &the teacher asked every one how was his feeling ,they all complain of bad smell ,heavy weight,&difficulties to carry the bag with to all places

here the teacher said that is the same if you didn't forgive you keep on carrying this bad feeling in your heart EVERYWHERE you go ,with it's bad effect on you if you kept it for long time

"To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was You"-Lewis B.smedes

8-brilliant minds of optimists

I ll not going to talk about a champions of a mathematics competition although they deserve our respect,but i am going to talk about the brilliant mind that each one of us have but we don't often use due to many things but the most important thing that makes our brains thinks bad is to be pessimistic..

pessimists force the beauty brain to think in a different way due to this bad feel of pessimistic ,you may say that troubles in life make you feel like that,but this is not the real problem with you the real is that you even didn't fight this feel........How?

If a one have problem in his work,with his wife ...he may be in one of 2 states first one he ll hate all other things in the life even the sport that he love even the taste of the food,as his mind makes him think that there are no way to get out from all of those problems so he stop the fight against his problems,stop use the brilliant part of his brain that can make him solve the problem &he completely be followed by the feel of lacking power instead of the feel of the power of knowledge from his brain.

the second state is exactly as you thinks now,the optimism state in which he ll look towards his problems as an enemy he must fight him by a brilliant way in that he ll follow the power of his brain not the bad feel .

so try to reuse this good part of your brain try to see your enemy when you are in a problem ,by using this many times you ll be professor &ll teach us how to tolerate problems meet us in life
&promise yourself to.

9-Challenging yourself:

Every step in life is a challenging step &the people classified either those who take the step in courage or those who took the step because this is the life.although that both passed the same steps but they react differently toward it &they feel different.

Sally&Jane both must travel to a new far place to cover an event they are journalists ,both see that the place is far &the place is not good to stay in &there are no transportation so they will walk alot ,no phones,bad w.c.,&the worst is that the electricity&water cut off from time to time so no net........

when they know that they must travel from an e-mail sended to them by their manager&beside each one her cup of her favorite juice ,each one have a different reaction Sally was in state of a shock &fear from this traveling while Jane was excited that she will be in a new adventure &it's a new challenge that makes life interesting

In the first day they were there there was no water ,bad place ,no electricity no.......
because the mind of Sally was in state of shock she sit cry &cry &she was depressed&couldn't work,while Jane because she was interested to overcome this challenge to turn the her life to meaningful experiments,she started to clean the place with the help of people around her &begin to make wire connections to make the electricity come again till it come,she begin to write down her experiment day by day.

The mission is ended &they are back to there homes ,Sally didn't finish except a part of her work ,while Jane finish it all &returned back home with a big smiles &hugs to her family but the new thing is that Jane wrote also a great book about her experiment &going to publish it soon

So always put this in mind &know that Challenges are what make life interesting &overcoming it is what make it meaningful
know also that this is my real story &i was Jane but i am a dentist not journalist.but i thanks God now that i am Jane So Don't be Sally who lose many infront of my eyes........

Butterflies go everywhere&find flowers ,but you can even plant the flower if it is not present

10-Self talk:

self talk is a tool in which your emotions use to express your feel,that's when you are in anger or you are stressed you may found yourself saying some negative statements,those statements whatever they are ll inflected on your way of reaction to your anger you can find yourself then fight for unknown reasons or simple ones or you ll get in state on depression so it's a circle you feel anger ,your emotion expressed it in self talk ,you react according to this .

e.g. for a negative self talk:You are solving a problem then you find that you can't solve it so you become anger start to throw the papers away &get irritated even by the ring of your cellular phone ,then you told to yourself (It's too complicated,there is no way to solve it)after that you ll find yourself even shout to your children for the noisy sounds they made or you ll find your self doing worst by smoking allot of cigarettes & avoid contact with people &get depressed......

you can see from this example that just some words acts as a trigger to very bad actions in the first you hurt people you love in the second you hurting yourself by cigarettes or by the depression

Fortunately all this can be cured by small trick which is positive self talk How can you do this?! let's apply it on the above e.g. You are solving a problem then you can't find a solution to it you haven't here to think negatively &say negative words first you can say to your negative talk loudly (STOP)then say some of positive words according to the situation like (I'll tackle it from a different angle or I'll give it another try or this problem will make me learn new thing in life )in addition to small physical thing that's a little smile &a good breath ,Congratulations you are relaxed now &your emotions are fixed &your brain are ready to solve any problem as it is not stressed.

so try always to replacing negative self talks by positive one,replace (pain )with (discomfort )make you feel better ,replacing( There's no way it will work) by (I can try to make it work )will make different


Here we ll discuss another tricks to release our suppressed emotion or our feel of depression or feeling bad ,No one can deny that talking to friend about a problem makes us feel better even if he or she does not give us the solution to the problem,but what happen here is that if our problem weighted 10 kg so you don't carry them all you distribute those kg so you may only carry 2 kg at the end so you ll be able to solve the problem.

But many asked me before that their problems is very very private &confidential so they can't even say it to their friends ,or some are lonely &have no one to talk with except themselves! it seems strange but it happens to many of us even in one part of his life .

so are those have to suppress their emotions till they get depressed or till their health get affected,No there is always a trick as we learned from this blog,the tricks of today are 2 one of them is crying other is journaling ?!!

Of course many especially men thought that it's shame to cry or to show your tears to others as this makes you weak ,but studies confirmed that crying is one of the best ways to release your suppressed emotions &get all toxins from your body not only that but also you ll feel rest after doing that ,&if you still feel you can't cry in front of others like me close your door,cry &ask God for help .i guarantee this method

the other trick is journaling that's it to write deeply what you feel ,write till you make your heart feel this writing &surprisingly you ll find that you can think better as all your suppressed emotions are get out,you can also draw which have the same effect .

12-Decision making:

No one can deny that his past decisions change the present time he live in&ll affect the future after God will.this can make us happy if this decision was correct,but what happen if this one was bad what will be your state??

Because the example is one of the best ways to get invoved in that i ll give you one,IF you decide to study hard to enter a special faculty so you ll get high marks &you will enter the faculty you love so you after it will work the job you wish and the success will be the prize that you win from just a good (decision)

but if so no one will have bad future because he can make good decisions from beginning.Unfourtunatly the process of making decision is not so easy to make that's why knowledge will help you to make good decisions

Decision is affected by your emotions ,if you are anger you ll not be able to make good decision ,if you are depressed you ll not make good decision ,so any bad emotions will affect your way of thinking &will affect your decision making process

So certain steps if you are going to take decision:

1-Be calm &relax

2-Classify the type of decision if it is relationship decision so you have to take more time to remember not only recent events but also past events with that person to judge&decide correctly

3-If your decision must be immediatly taken so before take it just change your position (stand if you sit or vice versa),take a good breath then say your decision this have a magical results

4-Take the benefit of others experiences asking others ,browsing net for nearlly same problem will open gates infront of you so you ll see more opportunities to make good decision

13-I guarantee & swear that this IS it the best for you:

Just now something happened to me makes me sure that this is what the God's plan to my live is the best than anyone could plan for me or even me to plan for myself....

Let's say to a story first it's need your imagination a little bit,the story begin when people of a country went to there president&were boring from all bad things in their life some of them have money&have no health others have health with no kids other&others .....everyone have a problem and all wishes to choose what they want.The president asks them (imagine)to take all there problems &put it in a bag &then throw it in a big hole after that he asks them to go &choose the thing they like all found that there is no suitable bag except their one so finally they realized that God plan their life perfectly&if they wish to choose their lives they ll never make a plan better than the God's one

This as what happen to me &to all of you all time but we didn't think in that God may prevent you to do the thing you like as he prepare a better thing to you or prevent bad thing to occur to you that's it.

I ll give to you some personal examples happen to me ,sometimes the net disconnect although of sadness that happen to me i think that it may be a good opportunity to me to organize my files &do some presentations after the net come i discover that it was good to me at those moments to be disconnected to do more valuable things--also i lose a friend &while that friendship i thought it is true one after i lose it ,i thank God on that as i found now that i know good friends who i never thought about them when i was with my x friend so what a lovely plan from a great God .THANK YOU GOD


Anonymous said...

ToooOooO7faa ,, VerY n!Ce (^_^)
thnx aLOt ....

dentistry7 said...

very nice

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